2048 is played by swiping the tiles to merge matching numbers. If two tiles of the same number collide while moving, they will merge into a tile with the total value of the two tiles that collided. Every turn, a new tile will appear with a value of either 2 or 4.
You will win the game when you get a tile with 2048 value.
2048 dimainkan oleh swipe jubin untuk bergabung nombor yang sepadan. Jika dua jubin daripada nombor yang sama berlanggar semasa bergerak, mereka akan bergabung ke dalam jubin dengan nilai kedua-dua jubin yang berlanggar. Setiap selekoh, jubin baru akan muncul dengan nilai sama ada 2 atau 4.
Anda akan menang permainan ini apabila anda mendapat jubin dengan nilai 2048.
2048 is played by swiping the tiles to merge matching numbers. If two tiles of the same number collide while moving, they will merge into a tile with the total value of the two tiles that collided. Every turn, a new tile will appear with a value of either 2 or 4.
You will win the game when you get a tile with 2048 value.